Edition 1.0

Country’s FIRST EVER Private Sector Defence Show organisd by Swatantra Foundation was held during 26-28 May 2022 at Chennai Trade Centre. With around 270 stalls the event was a grand success. More than 70 MSMEs got confirmed orders through this FIRST EVER Defence Show and more than 10000 Business Visitors. 12 Seminar sessions on important topics.

Click the button below to see the Edition 1.0 highlights and photo gallery.

Manufacturing to marketing Expo (M2M Expo) November 2024 at Chennai Trade Centre

For pre-registration click the LOGO image

Edition 2.0

Edition 2.0 of the Defence Show organisd by Swatantra Foundation  & FIMA was held during 3-5 Sep 2023 at Chennai Trade Centre. With around 320 stalls the event was a grand success. More than 450 serious business enquiries were generated in this Defence Show. More than 12000 Business Visitors and 503 B2B meetings. 10 important Seminars.

Click the button below to see the Edition 2.0 highlights, photo gallery and videos.

Upcoming Defence Show year 2025

For pre-registration click the LOGO image

Contact us at +91-8056002464 / 044-47973270

Email: swatantramag@gmail.com